Having troubles finding a Job after the SAP process? We bridge the gap from SAP completion (step 4) to STEP 5!
We can now help by acting as your service agent and sending you for a Return to Duty test!
This may help you get a job since your status in Clearinghouse will be changed to "No longer prohibited from performing safety sensitive duties" upon successful completion of the RTD Test we can send you for.
Now CDL Drivers can also hire C/TPA Service Provider to send you for your RTD Test!
This was previously only allowed for Owner Operators but now Individual Drivers can hire a C/TPA (Consortium / Third Party Administrators). Read below for some of the reasons you may want to consider this once you've completed with your SAP and are looking for a job.
Since you are not allowed to schedule your own DOT test, once you connect with us we will get the required information from your SAP, schedule and send you for your RTD Test. Upon successful completion, we will enter your results into Clearinghouse, completing STEP 5 so that your record reflects that you are eligible to perform safety sensitive duties.
C/TPA Services for CDL Driver
The first C/TPA to specialize in the RTD Testing for an individual CDL Driver. Here is how it works:
- Fill out the form below with the required information
- Designate us as your C/TPA
- We will request your completion information from your SAP
- Once we receive the completed information from your SAP, we will coordinate a Return To Duty test near you
- Upon receiving your Negative results, we update your clearinghouse status and complete Step 5 (making you eligible to operate a CMV)*
*Please note that should you fail the return to duty test, since this is a DOT test your clearinghouse will reflect a new violation and you will need to go through a SAP/RTD program again.
If you are concerned about passing the RTD test, we recommend taking a Practice Drug Test to make sure you are able to pass a DOT test
TOP 3 Reasons to consider using us to help you get to step 5
Regain your professional driving privileges: Successfully completing the RTD test allows you to restore your eligibility to operate commercial vehicles, helping you resume your career in the transportation industry.